Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fiesta Series- Pinatas!

This is my final fiesta series post! I hope it has inspired you to go out and throw your own Mexican party!

One of the best parts of a fiesta is, of course, the piñata! For my party, I purchased a piñata from iParty. Here it is:

I ended up hanging it in the backyard. There were 6 people and each person got about 3 turns to hit the piñata before it was destroyed.

Inside the piñata, I stuffed starbursts, Werther's hard caramel candies, and Hershey kisses. For each person, there was also a pack of gum, a Bath & Body Works hand sanitizer, and a lip gloss.

I hope you've enjoyed this fiesta series! If you missed any of the other posts, they are listed below.
- Kickoff
- DIY Banner
- Ruffle Place Cards
- Decorations
- Food

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