Monday, March 18, 2013

Cheap, Easy, and Cute Bedroom Decor

Today I hit my 500th page view on my blog! Yay!!!!! If you haven't already, please follow me by email so you will be alerted each time I post. Also, you can follow me on pinterest here.

Today's post is about adorable bedroom decor for a low price! At my house, my room is my favorite place to hang out, and I enjoy adding new things to it all the time. Let's get started!

Use Little Boxes and Trays
All around my room I have tiny boxes and trays full of trinkets. They hide clutter in a cute and effective way. Usually you can pick up trays and boxes for a dollar or two at places like Target, Michael's, and the Dollar Store. I recently purchased this adorable owl tray from Michael's for $1.50.

Display Jewelry and Perfume
Jewelry and perfume can look cute and sophisticated. I store all of my earrings on top of a shelf in a foldable holder from the Container Store (it is usually folded). All of my perfume is arranged on the shelf underneath the earrings.

Black and White Photography
On top of one of my chest of drawers I placed a black and white photograph that I took last summer. I purchased the stand at Michael's. Black and white photos work with most color schemes, which makes them a very versatile piece.

I have four calendars located throughout my room. They are practical, fun, and change every month! If you wait until after Christmas, you can buy calenders for big savings. Also, many stores have mini calenders for just a couple of dollars. This is a small cupcake calender that I bought for $1 at Michael's.

Display Lots of Pictures
There are tons of pictures of vacations, family, and friends in my room. I love getting new frames, like this one that I bought for $2 at Michael's (I haven't put a picture in it yet).

Also, this adorable cupcake has a clip that can hold notes or photos (it was $1.50 at Michael's).

Have Fun with Lighting
I have six different lights in my room. In addition to the ones pictured below, I have an overhead light mounted on the ceiling and a lamp next to my computer desk.

This adorable modern lamp I purchased from Ikea for less than $15!

I love this pom-pom filled lamp from Home Goods! It is located behind my bed.

This string of flower-shaped lights from Ikea lines my full length mirror.

My aunt made me this box of lights. I love the ribbon and it lights up pink!

I hope you enjoyed this decorating post! I'd love to know any of your tips and tricks about room decorating!

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